jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

Exit Slip - Thoughts on Praise and multidimensional classrooms

Watching how multidimensional classrooms work was really interesting, to actually see that every student was given the chance to participate and also make mistakes. This environment provides an atmosphere of acceptance, recognition and equality. The video was focusing on math, but I consider that it can be applied to any subject, we need to stop learning as computers, memorizing concepts and equations, and start performing the applicability of the knowledge provided. 
The idea of praising was also approached in the classroom, and it made me realize the importance of being careful with praising. We need to evaluate the positive and negative consequences of it. I believe that instead of praising the students, we should acknowledge them for their work and merits, not for their results. Finding alternatives for recognizing a student's accomplishment is something that I will really consider as a future educator in order to find the most appealing and comfortable environment for everyone. 

martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017

Entry Slip - Tact of Teaching

1) But obviously giving praise is not without danger. 

2) Indeed, the substance of pedagogical acting takes place at this level of temporal immediacy that does not permit a reflective stepping back from or out of the situation in order to consider the various alternatives and consequences of those possible alternatives in concrete everchanging situations. 

3) Tact is a form of practical knowledge that realizes itself (becomes real) in the very act of teaching. 

1) One of the examples provided in the text talked about the different interpretations of praising students. It really made me wonder how easily can be used in different directions. As future educators we need to reflect on not only the positive impact of our pedagogy, but also in the negative one. It affects the teacher and students as it involves sensitivity to all members. Analyzing what us as teachers may consider a reward for the student, may end up in a unpleasant situation.

2) Throughout the program we are taught that we need to be reflective. Although I strongly agree with the action of reflection, it is also true that we will not have in particular situations the time to actually reflect, because of the immediacy of the scenario. When we take action we will not always have taken into account all of the possibilities. A good tact is to reflect after the actions are made during the class, so that in case parents need any explanation, we can give them an actual justification of our decisions and actions.

3) The pedagogy that we as teachers are going to implement during our lectures does not come in a recipe, it will grow and evolve throughout the natural course of teaching. Accepting that the action of teaching itself can not be translated into a theory is adopting a way of practice. Knowledge itself is based mainly in a practical component.

jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2017

Flip Classroom - Exit Slip

I believe that flip classrooms have got advantages and disadvantages. 
On the one hand, I consider that visual explanations are of great benefit to the students, and actually allow them to go back to a part they got stucked is really good. Moreover, it gives them the possibility to work ate their own pace and generate a general background of the topic before coming to the classroom. 
On the other hand, I believe that there are a few holes that should be considered. For instance, we are assuming that every kid has got the same access to internet. What happens if a student has not got the right resources? How do you actually prove that everyone is going to pay attention when they watch the video at home?
Another thing that should be considered, is the health of the student, because they are exposed to technology almost every hour of their day. I think that flip classrooms are not viewing the margins of this technique. 
To sum up, I strongly feel that videos are advantageous and beneficial, but we have to consider other aspects of this system. I think that a combination of different techniques (Flip included) could be one of the ways to achieve a better result. 

martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017

Entry Slip: On becoming a reflective teacher. 

 As a teacher candidate I considered this reading really interesting as it really judges the power of self reflection as an educator. It is a reality that we will be working under bureaucratic systems that may only have a unique way of proceeding. However, what really makes the difference is us creating a space for ourselves to act. The authors comment on three important prerequisites in order to generate reflective action: Openmindness, responsibility, and wholeheartedness. All of them are of vital importance, suggesting that it is a continual process of growth, and that if we choose to do it, the students will also start to generate it. Something that made complete sense for me was that we should be committed and dedicated to all students, embracing the uniqueness of each one of them.

 As teacher candidates it is good to reflect on how we teach, and why we do it in a particular manner. Grant and Zeichner say that “Taking an active part in your own professional preparation will at least give you some control over determining the direction in which you are headed”, which I believe it is absolutely accurate. I agree with the statement that we have to evaluate the origins and consequences of our actions. We as humans, need to act according to our personal beliefs, and take responsibility for what may happen afterwards. Our actions need to be ruled by motives, and willing to accept critique.

 To sum up, I did not consider this article irrelevant for this century we are living. I believe society will always change and education as well. Nevertheless, the practice of reflection should always be present in a growing society. 

jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Exit Slip Frank McCourt

The thing that called my attention about this particular teacher was his approach to students. His background, and being an outsider made him interesting. It was really special to see how he turned his history into a positive thing, and how he created a turning point in students. He talked about having imagination, and being a dreamer. He fostered ambition, motivation and perseverance. Students could feel identified with him, making him an excellent example of what truly means to fight for your dreams. What was beautiful about him was how he put himself in the role of a learner, nos just as a teacher. I could learn from him that as teachers we have to be honest and down to earth , so that we can create a nice environment and a connection with students. 

Entrance Slip / Inquiry Topic Possibilities

3 areas of education you are passionately interested in and may want to do your Inquiry 1 and 2 Project:

1 A) Practical components of Earth Science and its relevancy in the learning.
    B) Field trips and the power of abstraction. 
2)The importance of knowing the history and evolution of planet Earth.
3) Controversy in Geological techniques. 

1 A and B) As most of the disciplines in science, it has got a theory and a practical component. But how important is it in geology to have the practical component? As it usually happens with students who study geology, they struggle in picturing or imagining what are the phenomenons they are studying.
A field trip can contribute enormously to the students learning. If they are able to see and touch a geological phenomenon or event, they will absorb the information showing incredible results. Most of the patterns and structures we can find in the field of geology have got a strong visual impact. 
Geology can be absorbed through the senses, for instance, sight and touch. Moreover, the expression of geology can be found almost everywhere, without the need of going far. 

2) The geological processes that operate in the present are the same that used to operate in the past, what we have now, is a result of previous ones. The importance of understanding the history and evolution of the Earth relies on finding the key to understand the present. 

"El presente es la clave del pasado" James Hutton.  

Most of the time, in the field of Geology, students cannot find the right way to understand a phenomenon. A helpful idea is to transmit that Geology is a changing and dynamic subject, and that there are several ways of picturing the process. 

3) Controversial topics are really popular in the field of Geology. It is really important to see the whole picture. Mining and oil industries are just a few examples of how students have got only one opinion due to the misleading information they receive. We have to make the think critically, by showing both sides of the story.  

jueves, 7 de septiembre de 2017

Exit Slip

Statement 6: A good teacher should never confuse you.

Maths can be spoken everywhere because it is an universal language, and the intriguing side of it is that there are numerous ways of getting a result, with the employment of different methods. Mathematics itself is not ambiguous, the way it is presented or approached at a classroom may be ambiguous. There are no good or poor presentations, there are just different ways of covering or introducing a topic. A sense of confusion is not necessarily bad, on the contrary, it may be good. It pushes both the students and the teacher to find the most suitable way of treating and understanding a topic. This confusion may also lead to the search of a path that works better for everyone, and in the end, this blurry feeling of not knowing where to go may had built confidence on that student who was kind of lost but found another way to do it. To sum up, I think that the great thing about science in general is that the methods of teaching will usually vary, and that there are no good or bad presentations, just different ways, finding the one that suits everybody is what truly matters.


Uruguayan Geologist in UBC

Entry Slip - Embodied learning

I found the reading really interesting. Although it focuses more in geometry and mathematics, I can see the connection between the approach...